The 2010 Biennial Conference was hosted by Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, from 02-05 September 2000. The theme of the conference was LANDSCAPE DENUDATION OR LAND DEGRADATION? INTERROGATING THE GEOMORPHIC PROCESSES OF LANDSCAPE CHANGE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA.
Organising Committee & Sponsors
The conference would not have been possible without the dedication and sponsorship of multiple individuals.
The conference was organised by the 2000 SAAG conference organising committee consisting of Kate Rowntree and Rhodes University.
The conference excursion to the Karoo also had a significant number of international delegates attending and the organisers would like to thank Kate Rowntree for her assistance in organising the excursion.
Funding by the Grahamstown Pick n Pay is gratefully acknowledged.
Keen to Read More?
Have a look at these links for more on the conference:​