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The 2010 Biennial Conference was hosted by Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, from 02-05 September 2000. The theme of the conference was LANDSCAPE DENUDATION OR LAND DEGRADATION? INTERROGATING THE GEOMORPHIC PROCESSES OF LANDSCAPE CHANGE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA.

Organising Committee & Sponsors

The conference would not have been possible without the dedication and sponsorship of multiple individuals.

  • The conference was organised by the 2000 SAAG conference organising committee consisting of Kate Rowntree and Rhodes University.

  • The conference excursion to the Karoo also had a significant number of international delegates attending and the organisers would like to thank Kate Rowntree for her assistance in organising the excursion.

  • Funding by the Grahamstown Pick n Pay is gratefully acknowledged.

© Southern African Association of Geomorphologists (SAAG). 315-823 NPO.

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