SAYG Events
2023 SAAG Biannual Conference
Through the gracious sponsorship from the International Association of Geomorphologists, eight young geomorphologists and early career researchers where able to attend the 2023 Southern African Association of Geomorphologists (SAAG) conference.
These successful applicants took part in a two-part training program facilitated by SAAG. Part 1 formed part of the SAAG 2023 Biennial Pre-Conference Excursion where the young geomorphologists learned about wetland degradation, rehabilitation, and wetland types of the Amathole Mountains. A portion of the training focused on peatlands: the identification and description of peat; sampling of cores, water, and soil from wetlands for subsequent laboratory analyses, and the meaning of their results. Instruments such as piezometers and wells were also prepared and installed in the field with hands-on demonstrations. Mr Jason le Roux, a PhD student studying peat fires, facilitated this process.
Part 2 consisted of administrative duties where the young geomorphologists received training in aspects of organizing and hosting a successful conference. These activities included the processing of abstracts, constructing the conference program and chairing conference sessions under the guidance of established researchers.
Not only were these students able to learn and experience ‘behind-the-scenes’ conference duties but were also able to share their own work and network with established researchers and other members of the Southern African Young Geomorphologists (SAYG) group.

IAG Young Geomorphologists Grant Holders
Back, left to right: Jason le Roux, Nkosingizwile Bongiwe Ndlovu, Mthobisi Masilela, Lukho Goso, Febe Jansen van Vuuren, Thandeka Ndlela
Front, left to right: Renée Grundling, Marike Stander
International Events
For more information on events hosted by the international Network of Young Geomorphologists, please visit:
SAYG events include upskilling, networking, and scientific communication events. These can be organised by the SAYG, SAAG, IAG, or any other reputable and affiliated organisation or member(s). Outreach activities include, but are not limited to, participation at:
SAAG’s biennial conference
SSAG’s biennial conference
SSAG’s annual student conference
IAG events
events held under the auspices of IAG
joint initiatives with other associations/institutions
meetings of the IAG Network of Young Geomorphologists’ Groups
Field trips/excursions
Workshops (online or in-person)