SAAG elects a new President at each Biennial Meeting. Below is a list of all current and previous presidents and their term served.
Elizabeth Rudolph
Presiden: 2023-2025
Elizabeth Rudolph from the University of the Free State is the current President and took office after the 2023 Biennial General Meeting.
Christel Hansen
Christel Hansen from the University of Pretoria was the President from 2019-2021. She can be reached at christel.hansen@up.ac.za.
Jay le Roux
Dr le Roux from the University of the Free State can be reached at LeRouxJJ@ufs.ac.za.
Werner Nel
Professor Werner Nel of the University of Fort Hare served as the 2008-2012 SAAG president. He can be reached at wnel@ufh.ac.za.
Heinz Beckedahl
Professor Beckedahl from the University of Eswatini (UNISWA) was again elected President of SAAG from 2004-2006. He received the SAAG Fellowship in 2019 and can be reached at hbeckedahl@gmail.com.
Peter Holmes
Professor Peter Holmes, the SAAG President from 2000-2002, is a research fellow at the University of the Free State. He can be reached at HolmesPJ@ufs.ac.za.
Kate Rowntree
Professor Kate Rowntree from Rhodes University was also awarded the SAAG Fellowship in 2019 and can be reached at k.rowntree@ru.ac.za.
Gerry Garland
Gerry Garland from the Unversity of KwaZulu-Natal served as SAAG President from 1992-1994.
Heinz Beckedahl
Professor Beckedahl, currently working at the University of Swaziland (UNISWA), and a research associate at the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), was the first SAAG President and instrumental in setting up SAAG. He served as chairperson and President from 1988-1990, tasked with charting a way forward and to report back at the 1990 meeting. He can be reached at hbeckedahl@gmail.com.
Laura Bannatyne
President: 2021-2023
Laura Bannatyne from Rhodes University is the current President. She took office after the 2021 Biennial Conference.
David Hedding
Professor David Hedding from the University of South Africa can be reached on heddidw@unisa.ac.za.
Frank Eckhardt
Professor Eckhardt of the University of Cape Town was the SAAG President from 2012-2014. He can be reached at frank.eckardt@uct.ac.za.
Ian Meiklejohn
Professor Ian Meiklejohn, the current Head of Department of the Department of Geography from Rhodes University served as President to SAAG from 2006-2008. He can be reached at i.meiklejohn@ru.ac.za.
Charles Barker
Professor Charles Barker was Head of Department at the Department of Geography at the University of the Free State. He can be reached at barkerch@ufs.ac.za.
Paul Sumner
Professor Paul Sumner from the University of Fort Hare was the SAAG President from 1998-2000. He can be reached at psumner@ufh.ac.za.
Jan Boelhouwers
Professor Jan Boelhouwers from Uppsala University can be reached at jan.boelhouwers@kultgeog.uu.se.
Helen Watson
Dr Helen Watson, from the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), served as the first female SAAG President.