The 2023 Biennial Conference was held from 28-30 September in and around Hogsback in the Amathole Mountains, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The 28th was set aside for the pre-conference excursion, while presentations and the BGM occurred on 29 & 30. This was the first in-person conference since 2019.
Conference Summary
On Friday morning (28 September) Professor Sumner gave the Plenary on the topic ‘Rock weathering: on trends and tenets – a southern African perspective'. Saturday after morning tea was set aside for the SAAG Biennial General Meeting, followed by the conference dinner that evening where the new recipients of the Fellowship of SAAG were announced. The conference was also registered with SACNASP for two CPD credits (validation number 2023-0681-002634). The conference Program & Book of Abstracts is available here.
The conference consisted of a variety of talks in 6 sessions. Recipient of the Young Geomorphologist Training Program helped convene sessions, allowing our young researchers the opportunity to get involved, learn some valuable skills, and to help convene a session. This initiative was first instituted during the 2021 conference and repeated here again.
During the biennial general meeting on Saturday morning (30 September) the new SAAG Council was voted into office. SAAG would like to take this opportunity to thank the previous council consisting of Laura Bannatyne (RU; President), Elizabeth Rudolph (UFS; President-Elect), David Hedding (UNISA; Treasurer), Namso Nyamela (Secretary), and three ordinary members of Sibusiso Sinuka (UFH), Marike Stander (UFS), and Renée Grundling (UP) for giving their time to serve on the council from 2021-2023. The new council consists of Elizabeth Rudolph (UFS; President), Marike Stander (UFS; President-Elect), David Hedding (UNISA; Treasurer), Christel Hansen (UP; Secretary), Renée Grundling (UP; SAYG Representative), Mthobisi Masilela (eSwatini representative), Thomas Marambanyika (Zimbabwe representative), and three ordinary members of Suzanne Grenfell (SUN), Abuyiselwe Nguna (SAPRI), and Carel Greyling (UNISA).
SAAG is also pleased to announce that Professor Ian Meiklejohn of Rhodes University, and Professor Paul Sumner of the University of Fort Hare were awarded with Fellowships of SAAG during the conference dinner on the evening of the 30th. During the dinner, prizes were also awarded for the 3 top student presentations. Recipients are Philani Apleni (University of Pretoria) for the best student presentation, and Colby Weiss and Bjorn Boyes (both University of the Free State) for the joint 2nd place. ​
Pre-conference Field Excursion
A field-based excursion was held on 28 September in the Amathole Mountains near the Elandsberg. The excursion was organised by Jason le Roux (University of the Free State; ARC), Christel Hansen (University of Pretoria), and Ian Meiklejohn (Rhodes University), and included field-based hands-on activities of the Young Geomorphologist Training Program. The excursion was registered with SACNASP for 1 CPD credit (validation number 2023-0681-002635).
Organising Committee & Sponsors
SAAG would like to thank the 2023 Organising Committee consisting of Christel Hansen (University of Pretoria), Laura Bannatyne (Rhodes University), Elizabeth Rudolph (University of the Free State), and Renee Grundling (University of Pretoria) for their work on organising such a successful conference.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP).
We thank the IAG for supporting our Young Geomorphologist Training Program, which enabled 8 young geomorphologists through various grants to attend the conference.
Esri South Africa for sponsoring the conference attendance of two students.
Ms. Namso Nyamela, outgoing SAAG Secretary, is thanked for contributing R 2,500.00 toward ECR conference fee registration.
Professor Jasper Knight is thanked for sponsoring one of the book prizes (Quaternary Environmental Change in Southern Africa) for the best student presentation.
Briza Publishing is thanked for sponsoring one of the book prizes (Veld Management: Principles and Practices) for the student presentations.
Finally, SAAG would also like to thank The Edge for hosting SAAG in Hogsback.

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