Young Geomorphologist Training Program & Grants
Through a gracious sponsorship from the International Association of Geomorphologists, SAAG was able to offer funding to our graduate students and early career researchers (*ECRs) to support their participation in our 2023 Biennial Conference
The funding was intended for graduate students (Honours, Masters, Doctoral) and ECRs who presented at the SAAG2023.
Applicants had to be registered by the time of application.
Pre-PhD candidates (Hons, MSc, PhD) had to be members of the Southern African Young Geomorphologists (SAYG).
Applications closed on 11 August 2023, successful applicants were notified by 22 August.
The training program consisted of two parts. PART I focused on the pre-conference excursion, PART 2 on the conference days. The training program was possible due to the generous support of the IAG. Their contribution is gratefully acknowledged.
Date: 28 September 2023
Successful applicants learned about wetland degradation, rehabilitation, and wetland types of the Amathole Mountains. A significant portion of the training focused on peatlands, the identification thereof, and sampling of cores from wetlands for subsequent laboratory analyses.
This portion of the Training Program formed part of the SAAG 2023 Biennial Pre-Conference Excursion.
Date: 29 & 30 September 2023
Successful applicants shadowed an established researcher on the organisational aspects of a conference. Applicants chaired a session, ensured the smooth running of the conference schedule, and what is required to hold important meetings such as the BGM of SAAG. In preparation for this part of the Training Program, successful applicants were also required to help work out the program by assessing submitted abstracts to their assigned session.