SAYG Membership
Membership to the SAYG is free and can be terminated at any point. Interested members should be registered at or affiliated with a southern African institution. Members sign up to the SAYG by completing the membership form given below. Free membership does not qualify for any CPD credits. Members wishing to qualify for CPD credits should join SAAG as student members and pay the required premiership fee.
Members of the SAYG may become full paid-up members of the SAAG by paying the annual SAAG membership fee (in the appropriate category). SAAG student members automatically become part of the SAYG. Such membership, where applicable, qualifies for CPD credits under, e.g. SACNASP.
Members that contravene the SAAG Constitution and/or bring SAAG and the SAYG into disrepute may lose their membership to the SAYG.
Keen to get in touch?
Contact us on any of the platforms listed below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Facebook Page: Southern African Young Geomorphologists: @sa.young.geomorphologists
Instagram: @sa_young_geomorphologists
Email: sayg.group@gmail.com