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Two travel grants available to attend SAAG2023


We are pleased to announce that through the support of Esri South Africa, we can offer funding to those graduate students who use geographic information systems and science (GIS and GISc) in their work to support their participation in the upcoming SAAG2023. Honours, Masters, and Doctoral students who have abstracts accepted at the upcoming SAAG2023 can now apply for one of two grants of R 5,500.00 each. In order to apply you need to complete this form, attach a budget of your planned travel expenses, and a short letter (no more than one page) detailing how you use the Esri suite of products in your work.

Those participants that were awarded funds from the ECR travel grant call may apply. However, if successful, money awarded from the previous call must be returned to SAAG.


  • The funding is intended for graduate students (Honours, Masters, Doctoral) who are presenting at the upcoming SAAG2023.

  • You must be be registered by the time of application.

  • You must be a member of SAAG or a paid member of the SAYG.

  • You must use / have used the Esri suite of products in the work you are presenting at SAAG. GIS and GISc must be integral to your work and contribute a significant portion to the completion of your work.

Applications close 30 August 2023, successful applicants will be notified by 4 September. If you have not heard from us at this point please consider your application unsuccessful.

Please note: Funds will be awarded after the conference on a claim basis, successful applicants should therefore keep all original slips and invoices of expenses made.

We thank Esri South Africa for their generous support.


© Southern African Association of Geomorphologists (SAAG). 315-823 NPO.

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