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ECR travel grant - apply by 11 August


We are pleased to announce that through a gracious sponsorship from the International Association of Geomorphologists we can offer funding to our graduate students and early career researchers (*ECRs) to support their participation in the upcoming SAAG2023. ECRs who have abstracts accepted at the upcoming SAAG2023 can now apply for funding to cover their registration fee and some of the travel expenses to Hogsback, to the maximum value of R 3000. In order to apply you need to complete this form and attach a budget of your planned travel expense.

Eligibility: The funding is intended for graduate students (Honours, Masters, Doctoral) and ECRs who are presenting at the upcoming SAAG2023.

  • You must be be registered by the time of application.

  • Pre-PhD candidates (Hons, MSc, PhD) must also be members of the Southern African Young Geomorophologists (SAYG).

Applications close 11 August 2023, successful applicants will be notified by 22 August. Please note: Funds will be awarded after the conference on a claim basis, successful applicants should therefore keep all original slips and invoices of expenses made.

*ECRs = postdoctoral researchers and/or early career scientists within five years of obtaining their Ph.D.


© Southern African Association of Geomorphologists (SAAG). 315-823 NPO.

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