We are excited to announce that the IAG has made two travel grants of EU 300 each available for non-South African Young Geomorphologists to attend our upcoming biennial conference. The full call can be accessed at CALL for GRANTS for the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists Conference (Oudtshoorn, South Africa, 15-18 July 2025) – IAG – International Association of Geomorphologists.
Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files up to Monday 24 March 2025:
Criteria to be proved by the CV and abstract submitted to the event:
Scientific content based on the abstract (relevance to the conference, scientific value, clarity in terms of English and structure);
Academic activities based on the CV (dissemination of scientific results, e.g., publications, conferences, additional community activities such as event organisation, editorial activities, outreach, etc.).
Files should be submitted to:
Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers
e-mail: iaggrants@gmail.com (e-mail subject: “SAAG 2025 “)